Edukad projektid

eesti keeles / in English
Leidsin 4 projekti. koordinaator-riik [ DE ]  partner-riik [ SE ]  otsingusõna [ VETENSKAP ]

Partner-riigid (projektides osaluse arv)
projekti nr akronüüm ja pealkiri kestus
H2020 - 887070 Allthings.bioPRO - Allthings.bioPRO - Game changer for the bio-based economy 2020-2023
H2020 - 869178 AquaticPollutants - Risks posed to human health and the environment by pollutants and pathogens present in water ressources -
H2020 - 633053 EUROfusion - Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon 2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium 2014-2018
FP7 - 321567 ERASysAPP - ERASysAPP - Systems Biology Applications 2013-2015